ikteros had this
gorgon from the day that he saw the sanlight for the first time...
no one knows why(inqluding
him self)!!
it is the
source of his powers!!!
the gorgon(
a.k.a medusa)is a beautiful woman but instead of hair she has
snakes on her head..!!!when ikteros is at peace the gorgon is
beautiful and attractive .. but when ikteros is angry and in danger the gorgon
deforms and
fear strikes he/she who see her!!!
ikteros knee protectors are named
boreas and
eolos!!!the two strongest winds of the
greek mythology!!!
ikteros was found with those when he was a baby!!
no one knows how(including
him self)!!!
gorgon state is the
full power potential that ikteros can reach!!
the gorgon at his back
becomes red and also the
aura that surrounds him but his
eyes remain
green!!!when he is at this state he is more
quick and
stronger than before..he can also throw
full energy gorgon blast from his
eyes that if the victim get's hit critically he/she will
stone-froze.!!at last if someone is going to stop him by force an
aura form snakes will come out of his back making the victim regret for trying to stop him!!

i wanted to make ikteros look really cool but i didnt wanted to make him look like a
typical ancient-greek guy that the video-game industries doing when they have a greek guy as a hero..he still have the classic
meandros-greek-symbol but the shirt is really
modern and is something that you could see on the new-york fashion week..lol..!!!!
he also has the
arm protection on his left arm that is really cool too..!!!

this is the developmen of ikteros
alt costume3..!!i wanted to be really really
old greek style training battle alike!!
he wears a
meandros underwear and a
meandros arm-breas on his right hand!!